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November 18, 2014


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Another perfect pastel DIY! I love how pastels work so well in both summer and winter.

i love this! i have bunches of ikea dishtowels that would also be fun to dye.

thank you for the inspiration as always!

happy early thanksgiving wishes, jessica!


You are brilliant. Love how these turned out. And so budget friendly!

Those are so pretty I also have been turned onto Ritz dye

Love these ~ They are really cute ~ Kim

So glad I found you!!ive been behind getting my site going as I find word press difficult but I'm going to get someone to help me, I've been working on things for the last 4 years when my little sis who was going to partner with me and was good with computers passed suddenly. My hubby is a huge helping hand. I didn't realize there were people out there like me -liking All Things Pretty, but I found you and your site today and I'm so excited! Everything is "Pretty" cute, amazing, looks tasty, and you've done a great job at showing off what you do. I ran right to my hubs to show him. From one Pretty Lover to another I can assure you I will Be a frequent visitor to your wonderful site! Absolutely PRETTY! Cleaver and creative! I could go on and on! Great job!

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