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« Pretty Collecting: Vintage New Year's Decorations | Main | A Cure for the Winter Blues »

December 31, 2013


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Looks like you are ready to party. I hope you are having a celebration at your house tonight since you have such a pretty set up. Your guests will know they are being pampered.
Happy New Year.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that buys a bottle of something just because I like the bottle or the color of what's in it! A pretty pink one here, a cute bluish one there! :0)
Happy New Year to you & your family! Stay safe!
We're laying low waiting for the foot of snow we're supposed to get here! (south of Chicago)
Thanks for all of the great pictures & ideas that you've shared with us throughout the year!

Where are those pretty pink glasses from?? They are great!

As always, LOVELY!

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