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September 01, 2013


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I have off limits candy too. Not at all with the QUANTITY you have tho...looks wonderful and so enticing in those jars...

If I had an inch of extra space, I'd do the same thing!

Oh, how awesome. Show me the rest, pretty pleeease.

Love this post! Huge fan now!

Beautiful to look at. Especially in those glass jars.

Oh, it's all so very pretty! I wouldn't be able to resist eating it though. ha ha!

I was so happy to see this post ! I too am a candy collector .... for many years ! I thought that I was the only one. Thanks for sharing .... lovely collection by the way !

I want some candy! I volunteer to eat any extras you have! I'm not even kidding! Beautiful photos. I just love them. xoxo Rach

I might hoard candy, but I love eating it, so it never has a chance to accumulate at my house. They really are fun to look at, though!

I found your blog when I was looking for "pretty baking" things. I will never forget finding your post on the sprinkle cupboard! Now the candy collection! I just love it. I also have collections of sprinkles, birthday candles, cupcake cups and candy!!! Not as extensive as yours, but yours gives me something to aspire to!
Please please do a blog on the gourmet candy collection!
Also love your pinterest posts.

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