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« Alt Summit NYC 2013 | Main | Pretty Summer Make-up »

June 23, 2013


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I just love your sweet blog. I look several times a week to see if you posted anything new, and I always check on Tuesdays because you seem to post that day. Best wishes to you and keep blogging ^_^

Looks like you had a fabulous time! I loved your gift bag business cards! Tooooo cute and a great idea! This is excellent information for if I ever find myself able to attend one of these events! Thanks! ! ! :D

Love this post, you were so brave, I'd be terrified :)

Hi! I was there too but unfortunately we didn't meet. I did get one of your bags on my chair and was thoroughly impressed. I completely agree with all of your Reality Checks; I obsessed over my outfit and cards too! In the end, I had a great time and was so happy to connect likeminded creatives. Thanks for your thoughts!

i'm sure your little bags/business cards were a big hit! they look just luscious. thanks for sharing with us!

I've never heard of this conference, but now I'm intrigued! Sounds like you had a great time, even if you stressed about before hand. Life's too short for all that crap ~ enjoy it while you can!

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