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April 08, 2013


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Lovely! : )

I would love any advice you could give me about the area since i am venturing to dc at the end of the month with my four littles. I know i am taking them to the zoo and smithsonian and the aquarium but any other help would be lovely. I also was wondering if there are any graet antiquing spots or flea markets. I hope to make this a memorable vacation

I am so envious! We tried for the 3rd year in a row to be there in time for the bloom. I visited my family in NJ for Easter week, with high hopes that this would be the year. Looks like the popped out just in time for me to be back home in TX. Glad you got to enjoy them.

How LOVELY!!!! Those photos are So Pretty & the Last two are flat out Gorgeous! The 2nd to last, w/all the trees just took my breath away! There certainly were enough of those beautiful, fluffy & puffy pink cherry blossoms to give you Very nice photos! (Your photos make reading & Seeing your blog such a Treat)! I Love the idea of a "Cherry Blossom Picnic" and have enjoyed your previous posts on this Special family tradition! All those vintagey touches are just Eye Candy for me! Just so Fun & Pretty to look at! And your descriptions of the day are very Evocative. Thanks so much for sharing these family joys w/everyone! (And All that Blue & Pink made me Swoon just a bit! I LOVE those colors together, & what could be More magical than a tree of cherry blossoms at early dusk against the blue sky)???

Wow! I love your blog. I just found you in some round about way. I seem to be addicted to the same stores as you. I found an old post showing your sprinkles/candy cabinet! I'm surprised you don't have to have a padlock on it! It was magnificent! I had to laugh because you had over 50 comments on that post! :0)
I'm looking forward to catching up on your old posts!

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