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March 29, 2013


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I just sold some just like these on eBay! So wonderfully sweet!

They're Adorable! I just Love Them!!!! So Quaint & Cleverly constructed! I don't really see such interesting decorations anymore. Those kinds, I bet you could get at the "five and dime" back in the day! I Love them all, but especially the eggs. I have lots of egg decorations. I don't have any of these kinds, though! The colors are fetching, so delicate & they just give me a good feeling, as most any bit of whimsical nostalgia does! Thanks for sharing!

Speaking of Easter eggs & fun decorative elements, I just Love sugar Easter eggs (also known as Panoramic Eggs): http://www.sugareggs.com/

I love the faded pastel colours but wonder what the original colours were like. They are gorgeous and lovely to see.

These are so pretty! Gently faded pastels......sigh :-)

Ohhh I could just die over these! Especially the baskets!! Eeeeeee!

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