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January 10, 2013


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Ahhhh Isn't it the best when this happens?? LOVE me some Homegoods :)

HAAAA! I know... happens to me in the gourmet food aisle at TJ Maxx as well. Congrats on your find!

So Colorful!!!! Btw, I know from your previous posts that you Love nice Bakeries. Well, there is a very quaint & beautiful Bakery in Savannah Georgia called: "Back In the Day" bakery! I've never been, but they have a cookbook, so I've seen that & the decorations of the place are So Pretty!!! I'm in Love with the decorations of that place!
Here are some cool images of their bakery, such as this one w/a small Chandelier (they seem to have Several Chandeliers)!:
Baby Cakes:
So Vintage:
LOOK at this Breath-taking Chandelier!!!!!

I just saw a bottle of these today in Marshall's! I love them and would have bought them except the bottle looked like it had been opened and had sticky stuff on it...eww! I'll be at Home Goods tomorrow! So sorry I missed out on Le Bon Marche when I was in Paris 2 years ago..as good a reason as any to go back!!

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