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January 29, 2013


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Jessica~you've been posting some pretty pastel treasures. The dollar/discount aisle at Target has so many fun finds. I picked up the cutest cupcake wrapping paper there.

Loved the Urban Outfitter Rhinestone Bib necklace, perfect for spring!

Sweet wishes,

Gracious I love Target Tuesdays!!

I think we are soul sisters. I love absolutely everything you blog!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

You must have a really good Target. I can never find your "treasures" at mine! Love your blog.

it's morning here in England and what a lovely way to start the day with such a feast of colour for the eye:)

Lovely color & designs! Haven't had paper straws since I was a kid - I want to try these! (Btw, I've been checking out your Pinterest site - it's GREAT!!! You've gathered together some Awesome & really Pretty photos)!!!

I love those straws!! We don't have those here in Holland.. The napkins are also cute!

so cute!


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