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« Target Tuesday: Pretty Valentine's Day Supplies | Main | Real Life Sprinkles »

January 16, 2013


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Oh all the pretty! I want to go!

Wow! When you see it, you want it all!

OMG! i'm so giddy and excited. over the long weekend, how i would love to just scroll and read through post after post with a glass of wine here at your lovely blog!

i printed out all of the info from you and love every word and tip! thank you so much!


Just Scrumptious, all of it! (Plus, the store's architecture is Amazing & Gorgeous! I Love all your selections, Particularly the syrups in those Dreamy, To Die For turquoise bottles w/the pink labels! And that Violette drink looks Fabulous! Wow, thanks for Sharing!

I'm visiting Paris in March and will check out this store for their baking supplies. Useful blog post thanks.


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