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November 30, 2012


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LOVE IT!!!! A Rainbow on one's wrist! I don't think there are enough prisms, rhinestones, glittery, crystals & other things that prettily reflect light in the world & throw sparkles! Make sure you look at your wrist w/this beautiful bracelet on, in All lights! You will see that wearing it on a sunny day is very fun as you are driving some where. Don't look down for too long - we must be safe on the road, lol - but you will see Lovely sparkles filling up the interior of your car! That's why I feel that bracelets such as these & other glittery jewelry is Always Appropriate. "Life is a Party - let's Get Out & Strut!" - The Rolling Stones

Way too long since I have stopped by your blog - I've missed your glittery beautifulness!! ;)

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