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« Pretty Collecting: Vintage Glitter & A New Series | Main | Glittery Polishes for the Holidays »

November 22, 2012


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Happy Thanksgiving!
Love that your blog has traditional And non-traditional Holiday elements to it, such as the blog post you did of pale pink mini pumpkins for one Halloween! I pretty much Adore your color palette & Share it - although I Do love Orange, too! I think just about Any color, there can be a shade that is Beautiful to someone! For orange, think how pretty a soft coral can look! (I Do love the Blazing shades of orange, too - but those pale pink pumpkins were so Pretty)! I like when people take Holidays & make them their Own. Your pink peonies in what look to be traditional patterns of plates & vases seems to be a case in point!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

sandy toe

Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family, Jessica. I hope it was a wonderful one for you!

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