The Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena, CA, is one of my favorite flea markets. It is only held on the second Sunday of each month, so I try to plan my CA vacations around it whenever possible. What makes it so fabulous? Well, for one, it's HUGE! Typically over 2500 vendors! And regardless of what I am searching for, I can usually find it. So, this trip, we (yes, I always drag the family along with me) set out super early in order to get the best stuff - armed with our floppy hats, sunscreen, and bottles of cold water. We had good traffic from L.A. and managed to get there right when the gates opened.
I was so excited to hit those stalls. I was on the hunt for vintage millinery hats and flowers. I can just never get enough of them - plus, they are small enough to fit in my suitcase. :-)
Well, the party was over pretty much before it even started - within five minutes we we absolutely melting! MELTING!!! It was soooo hot! We are talking well over 100 degrees with the sun beating directly down on us.
We had barely made it down one row, when I realized that the girls had to get out of that sun ASAP. Luckily, the husband volunteered to take them back to the air-conditioned car while I forged on. I am such a trooper. :-)
I was completely miserable - I have never experienced heat like that before. I think my face must have been the color of a ripe tomato and my tank top was sopping wet. A normal person would have probably left immediately, but I had come so far and I was determined to find those flowers! So I tried to walk quickly (if you can even walk quickly in that kind of heat) down row after row, my eyes scanning for anything remotely millinery-esque.
Lots of really cool stuff, but not a single hat. Not one petal to be found.
I was just about to give up (i.e., faint) when I finally spotted them. There they were - piled up all prettily on a table - my millinery flowers! I nearly cried.
I scooped them up and made a bee-line for that air-conditioned car. I love you, Rose Bowl, but next time I'll be checking the weather report first!