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« Pretty Resources: Pearl River Mart | Main | Fourth of July Favors »

June 21, 2012


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Very pretty! What a sweet idea!

So pretty! Thank you for sharing the idea!

What a great idea and so beautiful!

I love all your pretty, pastel ideas and images! They bring extra joy to my week.
Thank you so much for making our world a bit sweeter!

How beautiful. Would make any tea-party table look gorgeously feminine.

You taught me something new! Very pretty!

This is just such a cute idea, I'm going to do this!

So Pretty! Thank you for telling us how to make our own... XoXo

Jessica, those rock crystals look to pretty to eat.

What a great idea! I never thought to do this and I love all the pastel colors. thanks for sharing. Terri

This is just such a cute idea, I'm going to do this!

Jessica, I just recently stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! So much so that I have had to go back and read every posting from the beginning and have enjoyed every word and photograph. You are a girl after my own heart!

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