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January 29, 2012


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Hi Jessica, can you please tell me what recipe you used for those adorable cookies? They came out so nice and full looking. would love to make them for my daughter and her friends.

These are adorable for Valentines Day! : )

These are so pretty especially with the sugar crystals.

Those cookies look absolutely yummy. It makes me think it is time to arrange a mother-daughter cookie bake with my (grown) daughter. We've always had great fun making cookies. And Valentine's Day 2012 is just around the corner.

But we turn such occasions into a tea party when the cookies are done (we are both lactose intolerant, so milk doesn't fit - a sad loss since I grew up drinking milk by the gallon.

But we have found a tea that is a delightful compliment to cookies: Candy Cane Black Tea! It's like having two sweets together!

These are so lovely! I want to make these :) What recipe did you use to get the cookies so puffy? And where did you get the pretty multicolored crystal sugar? Thank you!

These are adorable and love the thickness. Would love to have the recipe for these.
Thank you!

Yummy and beautiful!

Deborah :)

These are so cute! Would love the recipe!
Laura R.

I would love the recipe for these cookies!! They look delicious. Thanks

Is there a recipe to be had? Would love to make these sweet litte cookies. Thank you

Hopefully you will share your sugar cookie recipe... pretty please

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