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January 16, 2012


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Yay! Thank you so much :)

Well, I'm sad that I didn't win, but congratuations to Jill!
My own darling daughter got invited to a Fake Slumber party, which I thought was brilliant, since I, too, like parties that end after two hours! The girls all showed up in their jammies with sleeping bags and pillows in hand, had pizza, watched a movie, ate snacks, and then the parents came and picked them up, about an hour after normal bedtime. This worked so well that I've used it for DD's friends who wanted to spend the night but were hesitant to spend the entire night away from their families. It sounds like your plans are set, but it's something to keep in mind for the future!

Congratulations Jill!...enjoy this beautiful give away price!

Those icecreams look so pretty :-) mmmmmm


Hi Jessica, that's a great idea. I will be interested to see the progress. The cotton candy icecream looks delicious.

Congratulations Jill!

Congrats Jill! Pretty and tasty! What a lovely idea for a slumber party! Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with!

Hi dear! Congratulations to the lucky winner and to you, dear, for the lovely and marvelous candy you shared with us! I confess I was dreaming about it! :))) God bless and have a wonderful time! :D

Sounds an absolutely yummy party theme coming up!

Those look amazing! It reminds me of my little girls 1st birthday cake smash I did last summer..

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