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« Target Tuesday: Cupcake Party Goods | Main | Hurry, hurry... »

December 05, 2011


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I NEED this! Can't wait to see it in the shop.

Wow you have such a beautiful collection. It would be hard to part with these gorgeous dishes.

oooo, when when. I bought a few of your pieces last year and they were beautiful.

When, when??


Oh my goodness, I can't believe you're getting rid of them! I'm just starting my collection-going to use them at my wedding someday!

I love these, I want these!!!

beautiful collection!!!

Well heaven forbid you wind up on hoarders. I won't watch, LOL so guess you have to weed out. But how? Jeez, they sure make for gorgeous photographs. I'm sure your table will be out of this world. Margie

Gorgeous, beautiful, don't get get rid of a thing. I did the cleaning to get ready for a party last week. I go crazy for crystal and silver.

What a gorgeous collection - so pretty. I have some vintage china that has been passed down to me but I try to keep it for special occasions!I think I should use it more often.

they're all beautiful.. I could never part with them. never. xo

That's exactly what I'm going to be doing as soon as Christmas is over.......down with the tree, then lots and lots of china washing and cleaning.... :-)

Merry Christmas,

Beautiful plate collection. One is just more gorgeous then the other.

I have no idea how you could ever part with any of the collection! It is just gorgeous all together. I will have to check my local thrift and antique stores. I'd love to build a small collection like yours.

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