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« Target Tuesday: Latte Bowls | Main | Finally...Laduree »

October 18, 2011


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Those are pretty cool...

Have you heard the news? A WalMart in Rockville, to replace some of the shops in the same strip as TGI Fridays!

I have just discovered these straws and love them! As suggested on the packaging, I did go to the website to see about how to care for them, but there was no info there. I then called the company and was told to soak them for 15 minutes in a solution of warm water and baking soda. (Sometimes I use a long-handled Q-tip available from medical supply stores) to clean them thoroughly. Love your blog. After being disappointed at Wal-Mart so many times, I now go directly to Target. Could you believe my local Wal-Mart had no tea pots and the employee in the department proceeded to tell me that no one in the US drinks tea anymore! Target had 7 stove top ones and 4 electric ones! BRAVO.

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