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« Lavender Roses | Main | Target Tuesday: Magical Straws »

October 04, 2011


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Totally agree about T Joes flowers, I picked up some beautiful and inexpensive white stocks today at T Joes in Bethesda. Latte bowls look lovely with the hydrangea's.

What a gorgeous look with the hydrangeas. I'll be looking for those bowls at my Target today.

I think Target should hire you in their promotion department! Lovely as usual Jessica!

Hello there and what a delightful blog. I love the soft pastels, the flowers and then the bright blue tea glasses. You have a great eye.
Lella xx

hi there! such a fabulous blog and of course it is going to cost me because i need those bowls and i need the hydrangea's also!!!! so i guess it is off to Targe (pronounced Tar Zay in this house : ) and back to Trader Joe's! I LOVE the way you have displayed the flowers and i just love the bowls!!!! i think i am going with white! : ) thanks for sharing and looking forward to exploring your blog and checking back for all your new posts! thanks for sharing! enjoy your day: ) hugs...andrea -- family and doxies (heaven and earth)

So pretty. Fresh, sweet look.

Pretty, pretty indeed! Another great Target find!

You always find the most gorgeous pieces at Target!

Super cute. What area of Target did you find these? I have not seen anything like this at my super target.

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