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October 20, 2011


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I went to Laduree (twice) earlier this year when I was in Paris. I bought some of the Marie Antoinette Tea & when I found out that they opened a store in NYC (only 8ish hours away from me, instead of a 10+ hour plane ride away! haha.) I was SO happy! I looooooove the tea, it's delicious.

Bummer that they don't have all of the other delicious desserts, though.

Wow - I didn't know they were opening one in NY - wow- I went to Paris and LaDuree and I actually bought abut 200.00 worth of stuff but more for the boxes than the contents! I still have them and waiting for that perfect place to use them
THanks for sharing this!

oh my gosh! I wish I had known they were there.
I just took my daughter to college in NYC and would have loved to visit. Oh well, I can always make her send me a box. LOL
thanks for the pretty pictures and the tip about getting there early.

putting this on the NYC list of musts. thank you, jessica!


I was there two weeks ago during my visit to NYC for the first time! I agree its not like the Paris one but it was still wonderful to be reunited with the best macaroons.

Thanks for the inspiration! I have a son in NYC and I'm always making mental lists of places to go on my next visit.

Meanwhile ... Target will have to do.


Thank you for sharing!

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