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August 31, 2011


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these are fabulous ideas. I cut my daughters sandwich with cookie butters for an extra surprise... i find she eats the entire thing when i make it fun

I ADORE your blog! These are all such great ideas and finds. Thanks for posting.

Very cute. I always tried to foof up my kid's lunches...course, that was years ago and not so much available...but I had construction paper!!

Wishing I had daughters so I could pack a pretty lunch now! I suppose I could practice on my hubby... his co-workers would certainly enjoy it, though I doubt he would. :)

These are such great ideas! I cant wait to try them! I dont know if you have heard of Thirty One Gifts but I am a consultant for them and we have some really pretty lunch thermal totes as well. :)

How dear. :) And when they grow up, the lunch boxes will turn into sweet care packages (my mom still sends me). :)

These are super cute! I've been packing my son's lunch in adorable reusable snack & sandwich bags from reuseit.com. I also found reusable straws and cute water bottles to send to school.

I'm guessing that if your mind is on lunch boxes you have survived Irene? :)

We don't have lunchboxes, my girls have to have school lunch (which is actually not bad, I have wondered if I could turn up too.) But I rather wish I could have a lunch box - preferably one you made! They are so gorgeous.

american style bentos are a FUN way to be creative and express yourself while making kids lunches! i post about the ones i make for my daughter on my blog:

Such cute ideas :) I can't wait for my daughter to start school (well ok, I CAN wait lol), but i'm excited for cute things like this! I only pack lunches for my hubs right now, and I dunno how he would feel about pink napkins and straws :) what the heck..he would prob love it! :)

Hi Jessica,
I visited your blog today. I have a Jessica also. I saw you on Frech, Pink, Poodles, and Pearls. Your blog is so pretty, colorful, and full of life!! I was scrolling down, and I saw all the yummy different foods that are shown. While I was reading, I noticed that me and you have alot of the same interests. I have two beautiful daughters too, and we love photograghy. I see you like Interior Design. Jess is an Interior Designer and has her degree in it. We just started a new blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you and seeing all your fabulous ideas. Hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Oh, I forgot to mention...Home Goods is a favorite of mine too, and I just went there today. Lots of Fall stuff.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

I'll say it again, your girls are very lucky. Hope they have a great school year.

You are the sweetest mom and I hope one day I can make adorable lunches like this as well for my daughter Elle.

I agree with you about making the lunches pretty and inviting. I have taken to making "wedding cake" sandwiches. This is a favorite of my 10 year old (it's like a tea party in a lunch box). I make sandwiches and cut them into three different sized rounds with cutters - stack them - and insert a heart-shaped cupcake pick in the center to hold them altogether. Then set them in a pretty cupcake paper/liner and into a zippered baggie to retain their freshness. All the girls want one! This was the most requested tea sandwich for Frannie's most recent birthday tea party. If you're interested, you can see a photo of the sandwich here: http://cutestuffinside.blogspot.com/2011/04/partys-over-aka-princess-and-peep-tea.html

Oh Jessica this is the prettiest lunch ever!!!
I hope I have kids someday & I promise
To pack them lunch as cute as u ;) ha!

this makes me miss my packed lunch so much! Definitely not as pretty as yours in my new kids on the block lunch box but the sentiment was there. My dad always cut my sandwich into triangles :)

Love your stash of napkins and straws! Such great colors & designs!

i want a lunch packed by you! (lol)

reminds me that i need to start doing these little things again like stickers and notes. my boys bought lunch almost every day last year but now they're into packing again.

love the cath stuff. your girls must be the envy of the lunch table!


Oh What a lovely post! My boys never get this sort of interest in their lunch boxes. I'm lucky if I can change the lunch I make for them.. Peanut butter and honey sandwiches. It's a fake peanut butter made with sunflowers because someone might be allergic. And the kindy won't allow and cakes or sweets unless it's a birthday. It's not just me that thinks it's all over the top with lunch restrictions I hope.

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