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July 08, 2011


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wow -- absolutely beautiful! thanks for sharing!

the nightly bonfires must have been so much fun.


That place looks amazing, so peaceful! x

this looks like a wonderful spot to spend a few days just relaxing and unwinding.

Looks beautiful!

Looks beautiful! I will definitely consider this for our next road trip.

The building looks very peaceful and the atmosphere very elegant!

Gorgeous photos!! I'd love to go there someday...thanks for the mini tour! :)

I love that area, Jessica. It's also one of our favorite places to escape to any time of year! The Sagamore Resort looks lovely! The E.B. Morgan House and Aurora Inn are gorgeous, intimate places to stay as well!

What a beautiful place! I am going to look into it for the fall.

I live not too far from there and feel so lucky we live so close to the Adirondacks and such a beautiful resort, my husband and I never get tired of visiting.

Growing up I spent my summers in Bolton Landing NY. Without even reading this I recognized the Sagamore and the mts surrounding Lake George. It is such a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing.

Oh, you have the most wonderful life!!!! Everything is always so lovely.

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