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July 15, 2011


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Looks like a wonderful lunch to me!

Your posts are always so sweet and pretty!

Love the cupcake and the marshmallows! :) ♥

You must have a lot of patience aside from a lot of obvious creativity. It is a delight to read your blog.

Good for you! We've also been hit with a heatwave and then had 2 days of gorgeous weather. It's amazing how the change of weather can totally affect how you feel and what you do. Sounds like you had a super time and made great memories with the girls!

What a beautiful picnic! You took us along with your gorgeous photos. I only wish I could taste the treats.
Love your blog!

I love all your posts. I was wondering how long ago you bought the plates at Pottery Barn? I can't find them. Well so far I checked on-line. Thanks so much. Maybe you could email me. [email protected] Thank you Jodi

These are really pretty things! Kids would surely love to have these cupcakes for their birthday!

That picnic looks way yummy! And oh so pretty!

I found the plates. I had to travel an hour to get them and they only had a couple left. HAPPY:)

It looks like a super tasty lunch!

Your blog is sweet and pretty!

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