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« A Romantic Rose Bouquet | Main | Spring? Maybe. »

April 01, 2011


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I love your blog, it makes me appreciate pretty things, thanks for sharing always..:=)

Gorgeous, especially with those candles. :) What a fun party!

I love, love, love your daughter's cake. It is absolutely beautiful. She definitely takes after her Mommy!

Oh that cake looks sooooo yummy!!! Beautiful!

Your daughter's cake is very colorful and so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Wow! That's really beautiful! All those sweet colors just sing of spring. And I'm very impressed with her rose!

What a great idea! That cake surly looks like a lot of love and creativity went into it....and real buttercream....dreamy! :)

Jessica, those colours just POP!! So so pretty just like your sweet blog, as always, so cool.

Absolutely Beautiful and great camera work too! Save me a slice!

Hi Jessica,

I've only just found your blog today while searching vintage millinery flowers at Google...in one of your past posts you went to Tinsel Trading and bought the most beautiful velvet forget me nots. I want some!! I've got to contact them and describe them. :0) And the metallic threads are just dreamy. I'm a sewer totally hooked on threads, fabrics, notions...everything!

I've enjoyed the little bit of your blog I've seen so far...it pops with inspiration and color...very nice, indeed. Do drop by for a visit when you are out and about...it's nice to meet you.

Sparkly Days to you,
Stephanie ♥

What a great idea. I bet your mouth was all different colors after enjoying the cake. I like the bright colors.

This is really beautiful!

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