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April 12, 2011


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great idea!!

LOVE it! The lace is such a beautiful shade of pink...


Thank you for sharing. So so so pretty!!! Nothing like being unique ;)

I love how you think outside of the box! I would've never thought to do that. You make me want to run to Target and buy a bunch of scarfs to see what I can do with them. :)

I just love your blog! I shop often at Target and find myself looking for the cute things you post. Your blog is really a breath of fresh air.

love it! off to target tomorrow to try this out! ;)

What a cute idea!

I love it...and you will have lots of fun with the rest of the lace!

This is absolutely gorgeous!! I saw it on pinterest. I am sure Target no longer has those scarves, but I might not be able to stop thinking about this until I can find something similar!

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