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February 08, 2011


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How lovely! I can't wait to see what you do with them. Do you mind sharing your source for these particular flowers, they are so absolutely perfect.

Oh my you've peaked my curiosity! We have a large cake decorating shop near us, I when feeling a bit too busy buy these! Some are types unfamiliar but like them nonetheless! Lori

Those sugar flowers so cute it is also a perfect gift for your love ones.


I assume I go to the same Target and I am not loving that everything is all switched around, I feel like I'm missing things now!

Too pretty to eat!


i am so happy that jeanne won your giveaway!!!


where can I find those sugar flowers? My cake supply store doesn't carry the beautiful ones that you showed :(

May I know where you bought these pretty suger flower at? Can i have the website?

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