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January 11, 2011


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Very sweet :)

I bought some of those last week, and I immediately thought of your blog!
~Brynne (a previously lurking reader)

Target always has the best dollar bins. Great finds!

*Gasp* I visit often your blog often, and I had to leave a comment to say I LOVE these! I am going to be crossing my fingers and toes hoping that one of my local Target stores has them.

Oh wow, these are so cute!
Fiona x

You always come up with the greatest ideas! No Target near me :(

have you ever thought of hosting an east coast event. it would be fabulous ...


Gosh! I love these. and 2 plates for $1. I'm off tomorrow to check these out!

These are adorable! I must swing by a Target soon. I also wanted to tell you how pleased I was with a purchase from your store a couple months back. The packaging was so pretty when I got my parcel in the mail that I felt as if I had a true gift just for me. Thank you! Check out today's post on my blog to see how I used the vintage florets I bought ;-)

Those are SOO CUTE!!! I am from Canada and I wish we had a Target here!!!! your right those would be so fun for a party :)

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