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December 07, 2010


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Hi sweet Jessica, sorry I haven't been around much. We have moved my mom and all is well.
I could sure scoff a few of those pretty little donuts right now. You make everything look so sweet.
Hope your not shopping till you drop already ; )

i had no idea you can bake donuts on your own - i love this!!!

Oh, I better not even try them. I love donuts with icing....that could be dangerous!

How dainty and cute! Must try these out. :)

Those look beautiful and delicious. I am seriously considering buying one (or more) of those pans now!

: o




Those colors are great! I did a post on your blog and shop....Loving it all! Happy Holidays! :)-----<

Those little donuts are so cute!

I just posted a project on my blog that made me think of you, I think you might like it! P.S. There is pale aqua blue and pink involved! =)

All the best,

those are adorable! gotta get me one of those pans! susan

Gorgeous pics of those doughnuts. Yumm!

ai-yai-yai! I forgot all about my mini donut baking pan! Thank you for inspiring me to use it! I love the pastel colours! They look so gorgeous!

I love your idea of making peppermint bark with a modern twist. A classic updated. Great idea!

Can you post the recipe!?

What is the link to where you bought the pans? There in an error with the link.

yes can you pretty please post the recipe and for the frostings as well? thank you so much!

i have the bigger version- and i sooo love it! after i made my first batch, i too, was hooked. theyre like cupcakes but cuter. the last batch i made was orange batter with chocolate frosting. yummy. its nice to understand your love for the super cool donut pan. im really glad i picked one up. i think i may get the mini, too!

These look beautiful. I have a mini donut pan but have lost the accompanying recipe book. It would be great if you could post the recipe for the donuts and frosting.

Dang it! Got my brand-spankin' new pan at a thrift store, but no recipe on it....Ö

Can you pretty pretty please post the donut recipe?

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