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November 18, 2010


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OHHHHH what a lucky girl you are....He's a keeper. Enjoy your treats.
Heather H

couldn't agree more!

i hope he's feeling better, too.


What a guy!! You are truly blessed!!

Awww, sweet! That's adorable :D
Those macaroons look delicious.

Fiona x

You lucky lucky girl. He's definitely a keeper Jess.
One day i will have some from Paris also. I think the box intrigues me even more.

Hi Jessica, just found your blog and flickr site. Wonderful photos and beautiful blog. Standing in the line and getting some goodies from the Laduree is on my list! Yes, he is a keeper!

How sweet. That IS a def of a good husband, true! :)

Lucky you! If my hubby went to France without me I'd be sooooo jealous! :)




even the packaging looks gorgeous!

You lucky girl, even the packaging and ribbon on that treasure box is beautiful.

Found your blog space today and enjoyed reading all your posts full of pretty images and thoughts.

You lucky girl, you are blessed, Have a sweet day! x

I just discovered your site, and I'm so thrilled that I did. You have such an eye for beauty, and I'm feeling so inspired looking at all these lovely images. I'm particularly in love with these Laduree pics, partially because they're beautifully photographed and partially because I treat myself to them farrrr to often (the shop is only 2 blocks from my apartment). Well, off to explore some more of this lovely blog of yours :) Paris in Pink

You are definitely a lucky girl! wise choice. Fiona

Oh...!!! Great way to define a quality husband....I totally admire you that it is the love who give him energy to wait in the line to bring these yummy cookies...

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