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November 09, 2010


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They are so cute. And the perfect reason why I cannot go into a target. Especially this time of year.

Those are SO sweet and fabulous, Jessica! My daughters would love them. Gosh I wish there was a Target somewhere close by.

Oh my goodness! I just moved to a town without a Target. It is a tragedy!!

Those are really cute...they would be cute too for a little girls tree or in the kitchen. Of course, I was at Target yesterday and didn't see these...I will need to check when I go back!


i love when target puts out all of their holiday stuff. i wonder if kmart still offers their martha collection -- usually some very sweet stuff as well.

hope that business is booming!


cupcake ornaments?!?!?! ::::Thud::::

These are beyond adorable! Wish I had a Target nearby... :(

Those are just too darn cute.. I see a trip to Target real soon. I'm new at blogging and enjoy watching your blog...stop by and see me. Thanks, xoso Sandy

After I read this, I went straight to Target and bought some for myself! Thanks for the tip! I LOVE THESE!

How yummy! I'm headed to Target tomorrow - hopefully there will be even more in store :) Thanks for the update!

I WISH WE HAD A TARGET HERE IN ALBERTA, CANADA.... I so so so so want those!!!!

Thanks for the heads up on these! They are perfect with my kitchen mantel decor.

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