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« Target Tuesday: Delicious Ornaments | Main | Fabulous Finds: Anthropologie Gift Wrap »

November 15, 2010


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How wonderful that Anthropologie opened an accessories only store. That's my favorite part of their stores. Hope they open one near me soon. Love that picture with the shoe on the plate of faux macarons.

Lovely tour, thanks Jessica.
I love Anthropologie always

Uh!! So Jealous!! What a GREAT shop! Let's hope they open a London branch soon (or is that swoon?)
Thanks for the pics Jessica!

Sadie @ sadieboonvintage.com

Oooh, I'm thankful you can live fairly close to the new Anthro store. I can't think of a better photographer to keep us updated regularly on what they are offering (no pressure!) lol

Am a big fan of Anthrop., especially their 'staging.' Great photos!

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