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November 02, 2010


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Thank you for posting these pictures. It looks like a great trip! I just saw Rachel Ashwell's home in Cottage Style, but if you're like me, we can never get enough!

The dresses are so beautiful, wouldn't it be wonderful to have photos of their original owners wearing them!

Hello Jessica....!

I hope you are well Lovey....! Oh YES....No trip to New York would be complete without a visit to Shabby Chic Couture....Not that I've been mind, but having been to the Santa Monica store I FULLY concur....hahahaha....!!

The prom dresses are DIVINE to be sure....I'd LOVE to see these up close....!

Cheers from Australia,
Tamarah :o)

Thank you to Jessica for posting such lovely words and photos about the Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic Couture New York store on your blog! We shared your blog on our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/Shabby-Chic/107979089234242

wow how amazing is this store. Of course being waaaay over here in Australia I can only have a peek via lovely blogs such as yours. It looks divine!

Sigh, I think this visit would have been more pleasure than business for me! Thanks for sharing such lovely photos!

Jessica, I love it all! So much pretty inspiration there - I'm dying to go there myself.

These dresses make me want to cry.....

wow!....all pictures are very beautiful!!!
Thanks for sharing it...good work!

oh my goodness i MUST go! looks like heaven!

I absolutely ADORE your blog. I just found it for the first time today and my heart has skipped a few beats since reading the first post. When I saw those prom dresses though, I think my heart stopped completely.

Gorgeous blog and absolutely love these prom dresses!! Thanks for sharing this NY shop with us!

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