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November 05, 2010


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Oh such a wonderful tour! You lucky thing.

Just wondered if you had thought any more about shipping to the UK? I sent you a list of the things I was interested in, not sure if you received it? xx

My favorite cupcakes ever! (and their banana pudding). What a true treat for you!

Great posts, came over from Shabby Chic on Facebook. The tutorial in Romantic Homes was my favorite in that issue. Good luck with your Etsy store, on my way to have a look!


Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

What beautiful images of heavenly treats! I would love to visit some of the now famous New York destinations like Magnolia Bakery, Tinsel Trading Co., and Rachel Ashwell's store.

My favourite bakery ever! How blessed are you to get a tour!!! Happy new week...I have not visited your shop for a while...off to do so right now. xoxoxo

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