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« Coronado Island, CA | Main | The "Box" »

August 03, 2010


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I love that blue vanity! Can't wait to see what you found.


oh my gosh! I love handmade soap.. and those ruffled pillows from Vignettes are so so precious! Thanks for sharing the awesome goodies!

I'm really enjoying your CA posts! I lived in San Diego for 7 years and never went to these stores! I can't believe I missed all of this. I'm on the east coast now. I can't wait to see the rest of your posts!

Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Your pictures are amazing to say the least. I just want to step through the computer and go shopping there. I LOVE handmade soap!! The colors, the eye candy, inside outside, oh my! How did you stop yourself from buying everything? ;))

Love your blog!

pls pls pls bore us with some more....i want to live in all thise shops!!!


I want those lacy white iron chairs and outdoor table. They would look great with ice cream :)

Love your beautiful items. I would love to be added to your mailing list. Please. I am just getting started collecting colored glass. I especially love the blue glass and the pink glass. Any idea on how I can learn more about glass collecting, identifying them, learning of their value, etc.

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