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August 11, 2010


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I think your blog has to be one of my absolute favorites!!! These are beautiful pictures!

very pretty!

Oh Jessica, your eye candy is just absolutely to die for. You always capture my eye : )
Love the tray too lol

I just wanted to say I love your blog. While I'm sitting at my drab desk at work, it's so nice to look at all your prettiness instead of my gray walls : )

How lovely!

The colors in the tray and of course the real flowers are absolutely gorgeous! Love how they look together.

So beautiful! I have a toile tray similar to that - I'm going to go put it out right now! Thanks for sharing your beauties with us.

I've always loved tole trays, and hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers, so of course I adore your gorgeous photos of this inspirational combination!

Very pretty.

oh i am blue green with envy!!
that is one gorgeous tray

SO cute I love this! I am going to paint a tray (when I find one) to put on a vanity I just refinished.

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