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« "Just for Fun" Summer Giveaway | Main | Shabby Chic Picnic Prep »

August 23, 2010


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That wall of Sprinkles is to-DIE-for! Everytime I see one of these amazing shops, it makes me want to start my own. Miami could def. use a few more. Thank you for always sharing such gorgeous finds. I'll have to keep an eye for future giveaways because lady luck was not on my side this time.

Jessina, you could totally have a wall of sprinkles with the boatload you have in that infamous cabinet! And.... I'm betting your's would be even prettier!

That is SO generous of expanding the Giveaway, Jessica. I am incredibly lucky to be one of your winners - you have definitely made my week!!! p.s. that wall of cupcake sprinkles is the pretties thing.

p.s. can you tell I haven't had my coffee yet? :)

Thank you for the awesome treat bag idea a few posts back -- I posted the idea for our upcoming trip to Hawaii!!


So cute! So much detail in those cupcakes! There's this cupcakery by my mom's house that was the winner of Cupcake Wars on food network. Those are my 2nd favorites (1st is magnolias)

the wall of sprinkles is the best!!!


I know this comment isn't related to this post but I had a question for you. I saw in an earlier post some pink and green macaroons you made for a tea party I think, and I was wondering if you would mind sharing the recipe. I love to bake and my friend asked me to make some for her daughter's 6th birthday party, but I've never made them before and can't find a recipe for pretty ones like I saw on your blog. If you wouldn't mind sharing I would be very appreciative. Thank you!

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