I must confess that I am not exactly a light packer by nature. I am of the school of thought that one should be prepared for everything and anything and I tend to pack accordingly. My husband does not exactly agree with this theory.
True story: Right after I graduated from college, my husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) and I decided to go "back-packing" in Europe. So, we went to REI and bought these huge backpacks that were practically as tall as we were. And I was totally into it. They had all these cute little, colorful pockets and add-on accessories. It was fun stuff. It was only when I got home and practiced packing up my new backpack that I realized there was no way it was going to work. Even though the backpack was huge, it still wouldn't hold my ten pairs of sandals and I just knew that my pretty sun-dresses were going to end up a wrinkled mess if I tried to shove them in there. Plus, when the pack was completely filled-up, I couldn't stand up, much less walk with the thing on. So back to the store it went. I thought long and hard about my packing dilemma and ultimately decided that a suitcase - a HUGE suitcase (with wheels!) - would be a much better option.
Well, I don't think I really need to tell you how this story ends, but needless to say, the boyfriend/future husband was not a happy camper. You see, the suitcase immediately ended up being way too heavy for me to manage (especially when over-stuffed with all the goodies I found on our travels) and he got stuck with the pleasure of dragging it all over Europe. This might not have been so bad, but he also had a huge backpack of his own to carry and, evidently, even suitcases with wheels don't work really well on cobblestone streets. :-)
The point of my long, rambling story is to explain why I am now forced to resort to the "box". It's because my husband simply refuses to let me bring a ton of luggage when we travel. No, these days, unless I require absolutely zero spousal-assistance, I am only allotted one (small!) suitcase for myself. So, what do I do if I have acquired a "few" things while traveling that won't fit into my teeny, tiny suitcase? Well, I get a really big box, stuff it full to the brim, and ship it all home! Thank you, Fed Ex!
Here's a little peek at some of what was inside the California "box"...
A beautiful vintage wallpaper-covered hatbox.
A stack of gorgeous old hats covered with millinery flowers.
I love the velvet buds on this one...
...and the pretty aqua bow on this one.
My younger daughter (Mini-mini-me) found this one covered in pale pink roses...
A stack of pretty floral finds.
The sweet little flower-covered book is over a hundred years old - as is evidenced by the inscription...
The middle box is filled with vintage stationary and the bottom box (covered in vintage French wallpaper) was purchased at Shabby Chic in Santa Monica...
I love this wonderful old tin - great for storage.
I found this pretty vintage lace at the Urban Barn...
Such lovely, soft colors...
Millinery flowers from just about everywhere...
Stunning vintage ribbon in the prettiest shade of aqua for Gilding the Lily.
A fabulous vintage velvet pin cushion...
...with faded velvet forget-me-nots...
Pastel flora china.
And fun vintage birthday cake decorations...
More shopping to come...