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August 01, 2010


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My husband and I stayed on Coronado for our honeymoon 5 years ago. I would love to go back. We stayed at El Cordova Hotel, and it was great. So were the restaurants there.

Hi, I really enjoyed visiting your blog. I adore Coronado Island. I have been going there since I was little. There wasnt even a bridge, you got to take the ferry. Very pretty pictures!

You always find the BEST places filled with such Joy and beauty...thanks for sharing. xoxoo

ok, i'm going with next time!

sue :)

We recently went to San Diego and wanted to go there but never did. I was so bummed too because it looks so lovely (and that paperie, oh my...pure heaven!

Jamie :)

That vintage wedding dress almost makes me want to get married all over again. Almost. Throw in a stay at Hotel Coronado and you'll have me quickly saying "I do!"

That paper dress is fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

What an amazing trip you are taking! *jealous* But since I am not able to go for now, it is such a treasure to read of your journeys and see all the lovely things you have discovered along the way! The whimsical beauty of the paper and butterfly vignette put a smile on my face that is still there! Thanks and happy trails to you ;-)

I just read this post and wanted to thank you for including our store! Wish I would have known you were in the shop that day..next time be sure to say something. :) Your blog is gorgeous!


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