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June 29, 2010


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Those are so adorable!

oh super cute! I love how summery they are... xoxo

Ooh - you're inspiring me! Gotta run to Target... :)

Oh those are awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

So friggin jealous... wish they would open a Target up here in Canada, we have everything even Forever21... target would have been such a better option.

Hi Jessica, I have had a fantastic read from your beautiful $1.99 plates and cute red polka dots all the way down to your flea market photos cant believe they even had RA fabric as a flea market find....I had a good laugh about your mini me story....priceless.


Just perfect! Have a great celebration!

I don't have time to look at many blogs...
but I always love to see your beautiful work....
I would love to meet you someday...
You are truly talented with such an eye for color and photography...You are an inspiration to me!

LOVE those plates, how did I miss them? Have a wonderful 4th of July!

Best wishes,

Awesome! I didn't even notice in the first photo. I adore your Target Tuesdays. They really are a joy to read every week!

Love the spots. The image with the cupcake is lovely too.

Such cute tableware! I've got to go shopping!

I was just at Target this week and I didn't see those cute melamine "paper" plates. How cute! Thanks for sharing.

Fun! and much sturdier than the paper kind! ♥

what a fabulous idea- thanks- I need to get some- LOVE your blog...


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