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May 15, 2010


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Good idea! Can't wait for Bee and Belle! Is it close?!

Devoted reader,


What a wonderful basket!! I have a HomeGoods in my area and haven't been there in a while. I'll have to pay them a visit soon. We're in the midst of construction and my crafting studio is one of the rooms that is being renovated and re-decorated. I know I could absolutely run amuck in HomeGoods buying things to decorate with!! Thanks for the pics. : )

~ Wendy

I would be glad to take those little bitty pieces off your hands!!

Love that idea and the basket.

Hey! You could have used your new organizer for White Wednesday!

Great idea! No idea how to store the little scraps. It's so hard since they're curled up.


home goods is just the most fun store

hi, i've been looking for a wire bottle holder too! may just have to check out homegoods myself...thanks for the tip!

Love your idea...my smaller bits of wallpaper are just stored inside a large dresser drawer...not exactly organized but I don't think there's really a good way to do that...when I need a piece I just go fishing through that drawer and always find what I want!

Your vintage wallpaper is so gorgeous!! Great little find, too :)

You can store your bits and pieces in a photograph book with the sleeves so you can see what you have. Great idea with the bottle holder and pretty too.


Very cute. Where do you find the vintage wallpaper?

For your wallpaper scraps, how about making a "scrapbook", aka your own wallpaper sampler book? Decorate the cover with wallpaper and use photo corners to fit and hold each scrap to its page. For the smallest scraps, maybe add some pockets made of wax paper.

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