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May 21, 2010


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YUM! That looks amazing! Don't you just LOVE Whole Foods!

Beautiful! Almost too pretty to eat! Love the idea of mini posts, so much easier...right?

Wow!! That is a perfect rose!

Ah it's stunning! I thought it was fabric at first. I like the idea of mini posts as well. xx

That's a beautiful cupcake! I love the idea of mini posts!

They did not share, how rude!!

Lovely!! Valarie

WOW! You really have this down to a wire! Anita

My first impression is waah!...It's such a perfect design of a rose!..Its adorable!...

Hi Jessica,

i really love this rose cupcake. So posted it on my blog wich is about all rose stuff.
Of course I set a link to your lovely page.
It would be a pleasure if you step by at my page,too (^-^).

Lovely rosy greetings,



Wow! I would love to be able to make that. It is gorgeous! I love mini posts. I am the same way though always thinking I need to write a long post, but I think others enjoy the mini posts just as much. Keep 'em coming.

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