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« Happy Valentine's Day | Main | Pretty Parties: Mini Chocolate Bar Favors »

February 16, 2010


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Totally adorable, love em!!!

Thought you might like this blog, she uses forget-me-nots:


Those are gorgeous! But those sundaes you made look even more lovely!

I just discovered your adorable blog and I just love it!! Those mini ice cream parlor glasses are so cute! The sundaes you made look so delicious!

love them, i wish i had enough cabinet space for the cute things like this from target. so adorable

only you could make desserts look so pretty :o)

Those are as sweet as can be ! You gotta love Target ~

Those are adorable. Perfect for all the delicious things you make. Love your blog, so inspiring!



you know how to live!!!


You have my mouth watering for ice cream and it's only 10 am:-)
Love your blog and I really wish NYC had a Target!

I have enjoyed your blog. It's so pretty and so many ideas you have given me!

Those look really yummy! I'm sure that's all the ice cream I should be eating anyway. Just a teeny bit! I love your candy wrappers too. Very fun!

great blog, great orginal ideas, ice cream looks fab, lol. xx

Love Love Love It a lot...

You have a truly beautiful life :]

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