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« Pretty Parties: The Tea Party (One Lump or Two?) | Main | Valentine's Day Nosegay »

January 19, 2010


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Jessica, what can you NOT do? You amaze me. Much love to you this week, Cherie

I collect vintage millinery flowers too! This is such a simple, gorgeous idea! :)

Oh I love it! How sweet and flowery and so vintagey!

*SIGH*....so so sweet!

Cute, cute, cute. I love your site. I think I may have to institute some Target Tuesdays of my own.

that is such a sweet idea. And bless you for sharing where you can get these flowers. I bought some from 100 Wishes last year, but have never seen them anywhere else - certainly not in England, although we do have tiny paper flowers. Not the same.

Can't remember if I left a comment on your previous post or not, but I must say how much I love your prettied up sugar cubes. Might have to give that a whirl myself, not least because it would be good piping practice.

You are full of fab ideas! :o)

I've been working on the same project using a photo mat for ages. You finished yours much quicker than I have and the result is lovely!

hi jessica,

i also LOVE these little forget-me-nots. any sellers you can recommend in particular? (i bought from one seller and she had scented them vanilla. no likey)


Jessica, it's so feminine and sweet! Adore it! You're very clever<3

It's adorable. I've often wondered where I could find those flowers. Thanks so much!

Very cute!

lovely - pretty and colorful flowers. Can't wait for Spring!

Oh, that is just the sweetest thing!! LOVE it!

how darn cute!

Oh my gosh.....that is just tooooo cute! Where did you find the little posies? I love those too!

Warm blessings,

How lovely. This frame is beautiful.

Lovely frame. I had a few flowers just like your on a doll's dress from the 60s. Had no idea they would ever be popular or vintage but I always liked them. I think they're still in a box in my mum's attic.

What a great idea - so stinking cute and petite!

Your little flower covered frame is creative and sweet. I'll have to keep my eye out for one. Happy Valentine's day. come for a visit.


Very pretty!

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