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January 30, 2010


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What beautiful jewelry she has. How sweet to have a mini me.

I just love your blog more than I can say! What pretty pictures. Glad you have a girly-girl. We have a 7 year old who is girly also. It's such fun. Linda

What a lucky girl!! Wish I had even one of those beautiful necklaces. Anyway it's nice that she appreciates her pretty things and gets joy out of arranging them so nicely. Lucky you too!

Beautiful photos!
I love her jewelry, especially the pink vintage looking one on the bottom. So lovely!

How lovely! It's so wonderful to see she already has such a great eye at such a young age! I know you must be very proud! :)

PS- I adore your pretty blog! I first stumbled upon it this summer when I was searching for information on Italian toile roses. Because of it, I fell in love with the blog world, and now even have my own little blog!

Thank you for sharing your prettiness with the world'

What fantastic shiny objects!!! thanks for sharing.

the dress form looks lovely. what a cool thing for her to have for her jewelry.


Insanely pretty and fun! I just love your blog and your photography!

This is such a beautiful way to display the collection how clever of her to think of it.

OH MY GOODNESS ♥ What a wonderful collection, I ♥♥ them all

oh dear! my daughter said thank you for share with us these photos.. she wanted to do the same as your daughter.. now she's been asking me to get the dress form.. my daughter said, your daughter has such beautiful collection! thanks for sharing..

What a joy to share this with your daughter. What an eye she has. I am fortunate to have that with my daughter too. Lucky ducks, huh?

How gorgeous! Your daughter is very clever and lucky you, a carbon copy of you!

Oh my goodness...what a beautiful collection your daughter has Jessica and it looks divine out on show. You've trained her well!
Love your blog.
Kind Regards

Adorable...I love all her sweet jewels..and that dress form is amazing. Do you remember where you got it from? I am so looking for one for my daughter. xoxo

Wow! She did a lovely job...she has some beautiful pieces!

I know that must make your heart sing!

Wow. What a feast for the eyes. such wonderful pieces!

lm. x

How adorable! Isn't it nice to have a daughter? I just think its the best! Obviously your girls are going to have your great taste! Kim

So pretty and always such a joy to visit your blog ... you always have the most beautiful images to admire x


Your daughter's jewelry collection looks fabulous on her dress form! She has real flair!

she has your touch and eye for beautiful things!!
gorgeous job!

i have just come across your blog & oh my pretty...i am in LOVE. the colours are amazingggg. i have been inspired by pastels so much lately & when i came across your blog, i just couldn't believe it.

please keep posting pretty photos
& thankyou

I just love your blog .....! What A pretty pictures. ....

amazing jewellery for such a pretty dress form!!! have a sparkly day!!!

How great is that!! I love that she took the time to display this so beautifully! (allowance time or not!)

How beautiful! That's so great that she sees the value and beauty in vintage pieces. I would be proud too (and try to borrow some hehe). :)

Really beautifull!

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