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December 05, 2009


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Well...besides being so stinkin' cute....that is a great idea, using the mini-mallows because they would melt so much quicker! I love it....what fun you had making snow-day memories!

YUM!!! Those smores look delicious! Now I'm going to have to make pink smores in my house the next time it snows here! (which I live in Nebraska, so I'm sure it will be soon!)

Of course! Your s'mores look positively yummy!

They look so very pretty and so very yummie at the same time.

This is awesome Jessica!! I love the pink marshmallows.

Aw, pink smores...how cute.

ooohhh - everything's better when it's pink!

Everything you do is simply amazing. Thank you for all your tips and ideas. They came in handy when help planning my sisters wedding and bridal shower!! Keep it uppp :)

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