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« Target Tuesday: Holiday Colors | Main | Snowy Day S'mores »

December 04, 2009


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these are fabulous!!!

LOVE this idea! Those bozes are so pretty!

They are very pretty indeed. Love the little ornaments, so cute!

when i was in london a few months ago, i picked up a few boxes of Charbonnel et Walker - just for the packaging :D

lovely, lovely

Where did those ornaments come from?

I'm with Sarah - where did you score such beautiful ornaments! They look so fabulous - yesterdays post and todays post - LOVE the off colors for the season!


LOVE those gorgeous ornaments and the chocolates sound so delicious!!

love the packaging and colors! Where can we find those cute ornaments at??

Yummy post! I LOVE how you layered your ribbons. And the ornaments are the perfect finishing touch. What a beautiful gift!

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i love your blog
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Tell us where the ornaments came from!

THose ornaments are just gorgeous!!! Those chocolates sound so yummy!!!! What a beautiful way to wrap packages..

I wish you were coming to my house.... And not just because you have the best hostess gifts, either!!

So pretty!!! Could you describe how you do the ribbons. Do you use glue? Are they crossed on the back? Where does the green ribbon stop and with what?

Love it!

So pretty! I wish someone could bring me those chocolates ;)

I just love your pastel color palette and gorgeous photographs. Very inspiring! Have a safe and joyous holiday!

Mitzi Curi

OMG, just discovered your blog and Flickr account. Absolutely stunning! Can't wait to catch up on your archives. Happy Holidays!


Very lovely hostess gift..so pretty!

Hi there,

Just wanted to let you know that I really really like your blog. I followed you through your pretty photos on Flickr. So glad I've found this piece of happiness-making-inspiration.

Keep it up!


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