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July 28, 2009


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How fabulous (all your ideas are) and inexpensive. I always look forward to your blog! You inspire me so many ways.

What a super idea! Fun, cute & easy ~ and the price is great too. What a lucky little girl!

Love Target Tuesday!

How lovely!


Adorable - thank you for sharing this :)

so pretty....so pink....so adorable...add them all together and you got pure inspiration from "such pretty things".
Please come to my home and create!

So fabulous!!! What a great idea!

How candy colored beautiful! Lori

Your creativity is endless, isn't it? I'm still smiling as I type this. I just adore your blog, your photos, your ideas! Thank you!

Such a brilliant idea! They are super cute!

Love the flowers, colors, paper and finished project! How clever ^o^CM2

These are super cute! Love this idea!


What a neat idea :)

What a creative idea! You did such a good job. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Loooooove it!!!
I just featured it on my blog! I am a new fan of yours!!! you're so creative!

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