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« Chandelier Roses | Main | Flowers for your Fingers »

July 07, 2009


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how cute is that!!! great find Jessica!!!

Thank you for your Target Tuesdays. I went looking for the beverage dispenser and was lucky to find the last one. Have you used yours yet? I'm planning on using it this weekend. (I was given a warning about its use and wondered if you'd had a problem.)
Thanks so much for your help. And for all your great posts!

I have the JCrew bracelet (was a birthday gift) and absolutely love it. Wear it often and get lots os compliments.
This Target bracelet is a great find!! I may just have to have this also - I like the pinkish cast (the JCrew is creamy).

Wow, it's almost exactly the same! How pretty!

Great find - I love the hint of pink too.

that is very pretty!

ooh - i need your advice. what do you think of the simply shabby chic kids chandelier? have you seen it? i am considering it for my pale yellow "girlie office" that has pink and aqua accents. if you have a chance, it's listed online (although i have a hunch you know of it already). i'd love to know what you think.

i also think you will like my current post. come see!


Love that! Did you happen to check out the school supplies? I'm dying to get to Target this weekend :)

I just loooove that bracelet...What a fab find...

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