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« Martha's Vineyard: Pretty Cupcake Place | Main | Target Tuesday: Pretty Paper Leis »

July 27, 2009


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I wish there were more stores like this.
Thanks for the sweet photos.
Cari b.

You are finding the lovliest places. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us! I am enjoying seeing it through your eyes. :)

This store is just the cutest little place.. It truly is ashame there isn't more stores like this one.. Thanks for sharing...

Beautiful....i adore those kind of shops and always try to hunt them out...looks like you had a wonderful time on your holidays...i love that area so so much! Thank you for sharing this wonderful store with us!

I actually work at Reddings when I'm home from college in the summer - the store is indeed lovely, and the people who own it are just as lovely. I'm so glad word is getting out about Reddings!

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