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July 29, 2009


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What beautiful pictures!!

Oh I LOVE Martha's Vineyard. When I went in early June the hydrangeas weren't quite blooming yet! Those are gorgeous photos!

So beautiful! Love the blue hydrangeas.

Just amazing photos!! I truly have wanted to go to Martha's Vineyard for years now...I will make it someday, especially after seeing these beautiful photos!

:) T

I think I have some of those same hydrangea photos from Martha's Vineyard!

hi jessica,

i was on the cape last weekend and the hydrangeas were still in full force. so beautiful!!! wonderful pics of all the flowers.

my recent post is about a shop in dennis (mid-cape). did you happen to find it in your travels? hope so because you would love it. come see!


This is heaven for me to see, as Texas is withered up and brown now - terrible heat and little or no rain. My own personal paradise has been Tallahassee in the spring, but now I'll have to see Martha's Vineyard! Thanks for the tour and the flowers! It lifted my spirits this morning. My daughter and her family are headed for Cape Cod (Brewster) tomorrow, so she can enjoy this.

Oh! lovely flowers!
Well, I agree with you there, " I really think Martha's Vineyard should really be known as the Hydrangea capital of the country because everywhere you go, there are huge, lush blooms." Well said. Wish I can also go there someday to personally see those beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing!


Gorgeous flowers! Seems your garden was so healthy. Wish I can have a healthy garden too. I'm been looking for interesting topic as this. Looking forward for your next post. Keep posting!


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