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February 23, 2009


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Oh my goodnes...those are so beautiful! What a treasure. Have fun with some target therapy,lol.

I have some of these that my aunt made years ago - I think they are so sweet!

so so pretty!

Hello there sweet thing!!

I too LOOOOVE beaded flowers!! I have a few prized pieces displayed around our home. they are so hard to find.

You have some amazing pieces!!

As always...amazing eye candy!!!

Love from the Jersey Shore!
xoxo Jenny

Beautiful! Such attention to detail...

Good luck with your next Target finds! Can't wait to see what they are!

I love beaded flowers. I collect them and have them displayed in my bathroom. Amazing how much work went into those little gems. Looking forward to Target Tuesday.

I doubt I'd be able to create something as delicate as these, but I'm going to try and make some. They are gorgeous!

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